Welcome to the Adizes Online FAQ section!

You will find answers to common questions about our digital platform, which offers comprehensive training in the Adizes Methodology, a system designed to drive organizational transformation. Our platform includes over 300 hours of valuable content developed by Dr. Ichak Adizes and our team, presented in a variety of formats to suit your learning style. Read on to find answers to your questions and to learn more about how Adizes Online can support your professional development and organizational growth.

What is the page to view my Adizes Online content?


How do I log in to my account?

Click in the upper right corner: login

Then enter your email address and password. This personal information can be found in your email address.

Can I review my previous contents or only the ones I am currently taking?

Both your current and previous content will be enabled in your account and you will be able to review their information whenever you want.

What language are Dr. Adizes' videos in?

They are only in English, however we have the option of subtitles in English, Spanish and Russian.

What do I do if the subtitles are not synchronized with the audio?

Contact Ana, Customer Success Manager, for assistance: ana.rosas@adizes.com

How many courses will I take during the program?

6 in total, which are defined according to your established Ideal Route.

What do the face-to-face sessions/workshops consist of?

These are face-to-face sessions with the Adizes facilitator, which should ideally be attended by all participants of the Adizes Online program to reinforce the knowledge acquired during each course taken, clarify existing doubts and assign a specific project.

How often are live sessions held?

On average, every 6 weeks for one year. Varies depending on the length of each course.

How long does each live session last?

2 hours.

How often will a new course be available?

The next course is available the day after the classroom session of the previous completed course.

How can I log in to the platform?